It’s 12:08am and I’m by the fire looking up at the sky. I’ve always found our skies to be so interesting. It’s always a miracle to see the various flying things, all of which I’m very fond of.
I like old planes and new planes, concept planes and secret planes. I’ve been inside an A-12 Oxcart; the pilot’s chair was extremely worn. My favourite planes are SR-71, F-22, YF-23, F-117, SU-27, and of course, the F-16. After hearing Commander Fravor’s testimony at the 2023 congressional hearing on UAP - the tic-tac incident - I have developed a deeper interest in the F-18. Really, they’re all perfect.
I’m always looking to catch a glimpse of Them these days. Communion has become very important to me. I learned I’d had a childhood encounter from my mother. She told me that a disc hovered above our car on the way home. She was petrified, unable to drive underneath the imposing craft.
She told me that she drove under it, but that part of her story seems so uneventful to me, which has caused me to speculate that more than just a visual encounter occurred then. In a past life regression hypnosis session, I had asked my guide to ask my subconscious - or whatever is speaking - what happened to me during that moment with my mother. Its response was, “He doesn’t need to know about that. It is unimportant.” I am open to whatever this means.
My memory of that moment with my mother is a little scarier for me: I recall it being nighttime, crawling over the seat, the light coming through the windshield is so bright, it’s just floating there, it has no shape, my mother hasn’t said anything about me crawling all over her seats which she usually did back then, it was the 90s, I’m touching her face and her green eyes are just open looking straight ahead, her pupils are so small, I’ve seen this before? It’s confusing, but exciting.
I call myself an experiencer now. My first encounter - that I can remember - happened in July, Two Thousand Twenty-Three. As I saw them appear - a mass of lights trailing each like a massive flock of birds -
I stood in panicked astonishment; all of a sudden, what I had seen countless times in videos was now happening in my field of vision without the screen. It took a moment for me to make sense of it, though I immediately knew that it was the real deal.
My friend was with me. I brought him to his feet and pointed it out. My heart was racing. We got to see it for a long moment together. I wasn’t crazy. We were speechless together. That’s what made it more real than anything. We saw it together. It was as real as the aeroplanes with their blinking lights, slowly drifting through Memphis skies. They left when he reached for his phone. They just went away, falling back into murky darkness. After that, I became obsessed with angel history.
It’s 12:40. I keep getting sidetracked looking up at this pretty sky.
In prayer earlier, I was vocalising my truth to Them, and other kinds of spirits. I hallowed the fire pit and made an offering to the Will above me. I was rewarded with a timely shooting light. “I see you, o lords.”
I am very glad that there are good people like Ross Coulthart representing people like me. If there was only mediocre coverage of this historic moment in time, it would be more difficult to share these experiences. All of us - we - would have a harder time talking about it.
We might lie to each other about a lot of things, actually. This is all kind of a big social wake-up call. Isn’t it weird that we are simply dishonest about things because of political correctness? Most people are only good because they have to be, and most people are only honest when it’s okay to be. They used to burn witches and scientists; it still happens today. Now we - the hoi polloi - just do it to the people we find hardest to accept and refuse to understand; the ones who frustrate our egos and prod the blueprint of our individualised realities. God, we’re so, so stupid.
Maybe that’s changing.
I am surprised at how many people I meet that have an encounter story of some kind. That is very encouraging. I can sense sincerity, and when I hear a solid encounter story, I eagerly give my undivided attention. My own communion with Divinity strengthens with each shared experience.
I think it is a fabulously stupid waste of energy for the public to bicker at a time like now. We need less division. Therefore, it is necessary that we quickly develop a culture that denies a voice to low-vibrational persons whose purpose is to instigate sandbox warfare instead of engaging in mature discourse in the spirit of togetherness. Unfortunately, more focus is given to which bathrooms people want to use and other irrelevant contrivances like cookie-cutter streaming shows. Who woulda thought the Noosphere would start off as a cesspool of sloppy keyboard black magik? Can you imagine what it’ll be like when technology makes our thoughts naked to everyone?
First flight is probably traumatic to the butterfly who previously quite enjoyed scooting along, chomping on leaves. Humanity’s metamorphosis is technological. It is obvious to me that the tension that is building at this period in time is a symptom of our species becoming a type-one civilization. I’m speculating, healthily. I dismiss and hold onto nothing. This just seems most true.
I started a reddit forum called r/phenom whose main purpose is to encourage positive, constructive discussion about the Phenomenon. So far, I’m the only member, but it’s a start. I think I’m going to live for a long time, so I’m sure I’ll see it flourish in time. r/phenom has zero tolerance for haters and trolls who are there to “share their opinions'. I do not believe in unconditional inclusion. These days, it is wise to remove distractions from your energetic output; why impede your own vibratory state and momentum with the unskilled howls of lesser lifeforms? Some people build the bridges, and some desperately graffiti them just to feel something.
It’s 1:54. The fire finished and I have not been taken. I have to tattoo soon. I’m going to meditate and go deeply inward towards God. As within, so without, and vice versa; we can go infinitely in as well as infinitely out. I blame The Others for my finding this activity important. I’ve meditated throughout my life, but I have never been more sincere in my efforts or more eager to do it than now, after the first encounter. It is one of their many gifts. The cost of knowing is sharing. At this point, I do not fear death. I fear nothing but Them. And they are what I look forward to knowing most.
P.S. My mother is and always has been the most committed Christian woman I know.
She epitomises faithfulness.
It was difficult for her to say the word ‘disc’.